
CCIF 14th Annual Kickoff Forum in Collaboration with NARUC Staff Subcommittees on Rate Design; Energy Resources & the Environment; Consumers & the Public Interest; and Electricity

Exploring Rate Design & Other Regulatory Tools: Maximizing Grid Value & the Customer Experience

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Program: 9:30 am – Noon PST

Lunch: Noon — 12:45 pm PST

La Quinta Resort & Club

Fiesta Ballroom 10 La Quinta, CA

Download Agenda Here


Description.  In collaboration with several NARUC Staff Subcommittees, the Critical Consumer Issues Forum (CCIF) Kickoff Forum will feature state commissioners, consumer advocates, and electric company representatives; engage additional stakeholders; and provide a foundation for the collaborative process to follow on CCIF’s new topic. Program & luncheon funded by Edison Electric Institute (EEI).

Registration. Please register here. While no charge to participate, seating is limited, and a separate registration with CCIF is required. A list of registrants is available here and updated periodically.

Hotel Accommodations. CCIF registrants are responsible for making their own hotel reservations. No CCIF room block is available. However, for those also registering for the NARUC 2023 Annual Meeting & Education Conference, you may reserve a room at the La Quinta Resort & Club following such NARUC registration using the NARUC housing link provided. Please note:

  • Individuals attending the NARUC 2023 Annual Meeting & Education Conference must register for that conference before reserving a room at the La Quinta Resort & Club at the NARUC Group Rate.
  • Rooms in the NARUC hotel block at the La Quinta Resort & Club are for NARUC registrants only and require a minimum of 3 nights (Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday or Nov. 12-14, 2023).

Limited Stipends/Reimbursement for 1-Night Hotel.  Participating state commissioners, consumer advocates, and state commission staff may request consideration for a limited number of stipends from EEI for reimbursement of 1-night hotel room and tax charges (up to the NARUC conference rate). Please indicate interest in such a stipend during registration to prompt a process to determine eligibility for reimbursement by EEI in light of any applicable ethics policies, rules, statutes, or other limitations.

Agenda.  Final agenda here.  The program will begin at 9:30 am PST and end by noon PST, with an approximately 1-hour networking lunch (optional; funded by EEI) to follow. The agenda and other materials will be posted to the CCIF website and distributed to all registrants as available (in advance of the event).

For More Info. Contact Katrina McMurrian, CCIF Executive Director, at or visit the CCIF website.

Promoted By*:

*The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) are promoters of the CCIF 14th Annual Kickoff Forum.

This event is funded by EEI. This event is not sponsored by NARUC or NASUCA nor is it a part of the official agendas of the NARUC 2023 Annual Meeting & Education Conference or NASUCA 2023 Annual Meeting.

CCIF: State commissioners, consumer advocates, and energy companies working together to provide solutions to meet customer needs.

Follow CCIF on Twitter: @CCIForum